This mlm leads article describes mlm leads web traffic and the time it takes to fill a web traffic order for your business opportunity.
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Lately, a number of people have been writing in asking how long it will take to fill their MyAutoPilot Traffic order. Due to the number of people asking this specific question, I thought I’d answer it here.
We typically like to setup MyAutoPilot Traffic orders to fill over 7 to 10 days. On larger orders, we even recommend 14 days or longer.
Why not send the traffic all at one time?
We know there are ebbs and flows to Internet traffic. There will be times when you’ll get a lot of optins for the number of clicks sent. Other times, you’ll wonder if your page is broken because the optin rate has dropped off. That’s just how it is with Internet traffic.
The reason we like to extend the fill over a period of time is that it seems to enhance the lead capture page optin rate. It acts to average the optin rate in your favor over time. Also, it creates a manageable, steady stream of leads that you can follow-up with over time.
Did you know that you receive 15% extra traffic on automatic monthly re-orders?
If you’re not taking advantage of this yet, you’ll want to setup your order on a monthly autoship. So every 30 days, we’ll fill your order with 15% more traffic on that re-order month. The more traffic you have, the more leads you generate and the more people you put into your business.
We can even setup your order on a weekly autoship on our end if you want the order more frequently. If so, just write us and let us know.
As there are some that like to get their traffic delivered faster, while others want the traffic slower, we always work to deliver your traffic in your desired timeframe. If you have a specific request for speed of delivery, just post your comments in the “Comments” box during order checkout.
And as a reminder, we have an affiliate program that pays you to refer your group to MyAutoPilot Traffic. That way your downline can do exactly what you do to create income from home.
Are you ready to start generating leads and getting new signups for your business? Try MyAutoPilot Traffic today!
Thanks for reading.
To your success,
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