This article describes how and when to contact your mlm leads when prospecting for your network marketing business.
I have been getting a number of calls and emails recently from distributors asking..
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“How many times should I call my leads?”
As you go thru the training in your member’s account, you’ll hear us describe the following call regime:
- Dial thru the list 3 times (once per day) without leaving a vm message
- Give the list a rest a couple days
- On 4 and 5th dial thru the list, you can leave a short VM if you so wish
- Leave the list alone for a couple weeks
- Dial thru the list a couple more times to see if you can catch people
Many also ask..
“When should you dial my leads?”
The best time to dial leads is when you have time to dial leads.
Other than that, we typically dial leads after 6 pm in the prospect’s time zone, Monday-Thursday. We do this because it gives us the best connect rates when calling leads.
Another question that often comes up is..
“Should I show my caller-ID?”
My recommendation is yes, “absolutely”.
You see, when you dial a lead a few times and don’t leave a voicemail message, it will peak the curiosity of your prospect. Many times the curiosity will be so great that prospects will call you back because they want to know who called without leaving a message. When that happens, it creates an inbound call for you!
Whether you’re dialing thru your leads list, or dialing leads generated from MyAutoPilot Traffic, these tips will help you better connect with your prospects.
Put these tips to work today! See how well they work for you!
To your success,
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