This mlm leads training article describes how to run your mlm business from home. Learn how to send a fax when you don’t own a fax machine.
Are you one of those people that doesn’t have a working fax anymore because you got rid of your landline telephone?
If so, today’s marketing tip might be just for you.
A few years ago, I got rid of my landline telephone and began using a VOIP phone service in my office. While that was great for reducing my phone costs, it also meant that I didn’t have a working fax any longer since the fax machine doesn’t work so well on a VOIP line.
So.. what to do?
Well, I began using my smartphone instead. I began taking photos of documents, then sending those photos to the other party via an email attachment from my smartphone device.
Using a smartphone instead of a fax machine still gets the document to the intended party. The recipient can still save document, then print it just as they can any other document, so there’s no real loss there. But the neat thing about it is that now you don’t have to invest money in a machine that is rarely used and sits on a desk taking up space. Just take a photo of the document and send it to the other party via email attachment.
Lately I’ve noticed that banks have figured out they could do similar for mobile bank deposits. Many banks have mobile apps that allow you take a photograph of the front and back of a check that you want to deposit. The mobile app allows you to upload those photos directly to the bank in order to make your deposit. Now you can use your mobile app anywhere in the world to make a bank deposit. Mobile apps have allowed the banking industry to grow, though the industry has reduced the number of physical locations they maintain throughout the country.
Smartphones and mobile apps will soon become your main marketing platform for your direct sales business. If you’re not using a smartphone now, then you’re not geared up to communicate with your prospects or your sales team in the mobile marketplace.
Do yourself a favor.. go out and buy yourself a smartphone and start using it. Soon you’ll discover new ways to use that smartphone device to make even more money from home.
To your success,
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Enrique Garibay – Helping Entrepreneurs Everywhere Since 2003 Tel 785.539.6904 |