
7 12, 2007

The Top 37 Spam Signals Found In 93.7% of Marketing Emails

By |2007-12-07T21:53:09+00:00December 7th, 2007|MLM Email Lead Marketing, MLM Prospecting Tips|Comments Off on The Top 37 Spam Signals Found In 93.7% of Marketing Emails

The Junk and Adult Content filters work by looking for key words. This post is a description of exactly which words the filter looks for and where the filter looks for them. So if you are going to continuing using email marketing instead of desktop to desktop marketing this list could increase your overall delivery rates by 100%.

25 10, 2007

MLM Email Lead: Email Secrets of a Millionaire Producer Part 14

By |2007-10-25T10:35:33+00:00October 25th, 2007|MLM Lead Generation, MLM Lead Types, MLM Prospecting Tips|Comments Off on MLM Email Lead: Email Secrets of a Millionaire Producer Part 14

Let's talk about plain text verses HTML emails. Which do you find performs better these days when using email to prospect your mlm lead list? In the very, very beginning, I would have sent you very beautifully organized emails that had borders on them and pictures and all kinds of stuff. Those emails are definitely getting blocked more and more these days. They're landing in the junk folder...

24 10, 2007

MLM Email Lead: Email Secrets of a Millionaire Producer Part 13

By |2007-10-24T10:20:00+00:00October 24th, 2007|MLM Lead Generation, MLM Lead Types, MLM Prospecting Tips|Comments Off on MLM Email Lead: Email Secrets of a Millionaire Producer Part 13

In terms of timing, there is a day of the week that probably works better for sending email to your email lead or mlm lead list. For example, we're recording this call on Friday. My experience Paul is that when it comes to prospecting on Fridays, you might as well just go fishing. People are already mentally on the weekend. What do you find to work in terms of day of the week that responds the best for you?