This describes the perfect mobile app for mlm and mlm leads. If you could wave a magic wand to create the perfect mlm mobile app, what would it be like?
Do you ever wish that when it comes to making money from home, that there were “an app for that“? If so, what exactly would that mobile app do to help you with your business?
And by “app”, I’m talking about a mobile app that would run on your tablet or smartphone.
Write me back and tell me what you think. Or post it on our blog down below in comments. Tell me what you think the ideal mobile app for your business would be like.
Would the ideal mobile app..
- Generate leads for your business?
- Prospect your warm market friends and family for you?
- Make business presentations for you?
- Keep business appointments and reminders for you?
- Help motivate you?
- Give prospects a way to review your business information?
- Allow you to advertise in the cold market?
Or, would it..
- Help to distribute new distributor training for you?
- Archive and deliver team training calls?
- Send time-sensitive information to your team?
- Keep track of your appointments and schedule?
- Allow you to create social marketing content for your business?
- Allow you to market your business on social marketing sites?
- Message directly with your team?
- Keep you connected with your social sites?
Or finally, would the ideal mobile app..
- Invite people to look at your business for you?
- Allow prospects to contact you via phone, text or email?
- Distribute business presentations on your behalf?
- Display pictures and videos of your company products and services?
- Provide prospects a way of signing up in your business?
- Act as a contact manager that tracks your prospects?
- Brand you to your team or prospects?
If you could dream the ideal mobile app for your business, what exactly would that mobile app do for you?
Tell me what you think. I’m dying to hear from you!
I truly believe that mobile apps will soon become central to how you do business. There’s no doubt about it. I’m just trying to learn from you what that app might look like when you begin to use it.
Please post your comments here below to tell us what you think.
While on the topic of “mobile“, I’ve received a lot of feedback from users telling me that sending text messages is a great way to connect with hard-to-reach mlm lead prospects. If you’re not trying text to reach these prospects, start implementing it. It will help you to create a conversation with those prospects that prefer to use sms text messaging instead of talking on the phone.
In the meanwhile, keep in mind that summer is coming to an end. And so is our summer promotion that sends you 25% more bizop web traffic with your MyAutoPilot Web Traffic order. See the Passcode in the graphic at right that sends you extra traffic.
This is a one-use promotional offer, so grab it while you still can!
Get your mlm web traffic today. Start generating leads and start making more sales!
And don’t forget.. we can also call your mlm leads for you!
To your success,
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