Learn how mlm distributors are improving mlm leads prospecting results by 300% using sms text messaging.
A few weeks ago, I wrote an article that described how to use sms text messaging in your prospecting. Later, I followed up with another article that described the entire process of checking to see whether the mlm lead prospect’s number was a mobile number or not, and how to send text messages using email. Since those articles, we’ve had a steady stream of positive feedback from our readers.
For example, Gary wrote us yesterday saying:
“Enrique, ever since your blog showing how to text prospects, my business has increased two fold. I am getting 2-3 time more responses than calling. Great idea and I am also teaching my downline to do the same thing…reduces the frustration of calling. Thanks!”
You’re welcome Gary! I’m glad it’s working so well for you.
If you’re like most people, you have a portion of your leads list that just won’t answer the phone. So once you’ve dialed thru the list 3 to 5 times, consider sending a text message to the remainder of the list. See if prospects respond to your text message instead.
When it comes to dialing leads, you have to remember that the average age of the person in the United States today is 22 years old. The majority of young people use sms text messaging daily in their communication. Studies have shown that half of those users would prefer to use text messaging instead of talking on the phone. So if prospects won’t answer the phone, it only makes sense to send them a text message.
When it comes to prospecting with your mobile device, wouldn’t it be great if you could send a text message to your prospect telling them to download and review your mobile app business presentation? That way they can look at your business presentation to see if your business is a match for them or not.
Imagine how easy and rejection-free mlm leads prospecting would be then!
All you would have to do is send your prospects a text message. Ask them if they’re serious about making extra income from home, or not. If they say “yes”, text them a link to download your personal mobile app business presentation. Your mobile app could be personalized to brand you to your prospects. Your prospect could click a button to call you, text you or email you directly from your mobile app.
Prospects could even click your “Join Now“ button to join your business right from your mobile app!
How would you like to have a private branded mobile app that makes your business presentations for you to warm and cold market prospects? Who knows, maybe it will also increase your 2-3 times more responses.
Hit the “Reply” button now to write me back and tell me what you think of that idea. I’d really like to know.
In the meanwhile, you can still automate your business presentations by send traffic to your lead capture page using MyAutoPilot Traffic!
To your success,
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