This describes mlm leads and mlm leads prospecting. Here’s what to say to leads that have been screened or generated at lead capture pages.
It’s common for us to receive calls from customers asking us how they should work their leads.
Specifically, people want to know what to say to a lead that..
A) was screened using our Call Center Dial Service, and
B) was generated at a lead capture page; one that has already seen their business presentation.
My answer for these questions is always the same:
You must interview the prospects to see if they’re a match for you or not.
I advise that you follow the training provided in your Member’s account. There you’ll find audio and phone script training of how to interview prospects.
As you interview, you’re looking for 5 key elements in your prospect:
1) Desire. Does your prospect truly want something more than what they have right now? If so, what? Why? What are they willing to do to attain that something?
2) Money. It takes some level of income to start in your business. So it stands to reason that your prospect should have some money to get started.
I find that money follows desire. If you can show the prospect that you can help them what they greatly desire, then the money will follow.
I think that the issue of “money” is the greatest stumbling block for most distributors. The objection they get most often is “I don’t have any money“. If this sounds like your prospects, I encourage you to dig deeper into your prospects. Find the “pain” that exists in their life. Something is missing in their life or they wouldn’t be talking to you and looking for ways to create extra income from home.
3) Critical Thinking. Does the prospect understand the basic information that you’re presenting? And I don’t mean the fine details of your comp plan. But does the prospect fully understand what you do in your business and how you create income?
4) Decision. Can your prospect make an informed decision once they’ve seen all the information?
5) Instructions. Can your prospect follow instructions? If they can’t follow instructions now, imagine what they would be like to work with once they’re in your downline.
In summary, it doesn’t matter whether you’re talking to a prospect that has been screened using our Call Center Dial Service, or a lead that was generated from MyAutoPilot Traffic hitting your lead capture page, the method of prospecting those leads is the same. Interview your prospects to see if they’re a match for your business or not.
Thanks for reading.
To your success,
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Enrique Garibay
PS. Talk to prospects that want to know about your business. Use MyAutoPilot Traffic!