Recently we’ve had users report that their lead capture pages stopped generating mlm leads from their web traffic. Normally these lead capture pages provide a good optin rate, but recently they’ve gone quiet with zero optins.
The issue was caused by an email autoresponder service that was providing the lead capture page webform. The email autoresponder service was not been functioning properly. Unfortunately that service didn’t inform their users of the issue.
If ever you’re wondering why you’re not getting the results you expect, test your lead capture page.
Here are steps you can use to test your capture page:
1. Test Your Lead Capture Page Domain/URL.
Clear your web browser cache. Then reload the lead capture page URL.
Does the page load properly in your web browser? Or do you get a blank screen?
If you’re getting a blank screen, either a) the domain masking you’re using is not responding, or b) the lead capture page hosting service is down or offline.
If your domain masking is not responding, remove the domain from your advertising and use only the lead capture page URL as provided by your lead capture page host.
If your lead capture page hosting service is down or offline for a extended duration of time, contact us and ask to have your MyAutoPilot Traffic order paused until service resumes.
2. Test Your Lead Capture Page Webform.
Now that you’ve ensured the page is ONline, it’s time to test the lead capture page webform.
Opt into your capture page using a new email address and verify that your page is posting the lead into your email autoresponder and that you’ve collected a lead.
If you find that your lead capture page web form or autoresponder service is having issues, contact us and ask to have your MyAutoPilot Traffic order paused until service resumes.
Once you’ve tested your webform, remove your contact from the autoresponder so that you can use it again in the future to test.
3. Monitor Your Host Provider.
There will be occasions when your lead capture page host or email autoresponder service host website will be down. It’s normal and unavoidable. When that happens, you’ll want to know. Use a website monitoring service like to automatically notify you when that happens.
If you find that your host website is down for an extended period of time, contact us and ask to have your MyAutoPilot Traffic order paused until service resumes. We’re glad to assist you.
In summary, it pays to continuously monitor your marketing so that you get the most out of your mlm leads advertising investment.
To your success,
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