This mlm leads article describes how to give a good mlm leads business presentation to your network marketing lead prospect.
Years ago when I started working from home, I attended a convention for my primary company. During that meeting, several of the company’s millionaires offered training on various aspects of the business. One such millionaire was “Brandy Wells“.
As the meeting broke for lunch, attendees were assigned a millionaire’s table to sit at. I sat at Brandy’s table because I wanted to pick his brain about how I could become successful in this company.
As I sat across the table, I asked Brandy..
“How do you give a good business presentation?”
Brandy’s answer was so insightful that it has stuck with me for more than 20 years. He answered:
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This Slide2Check App slide links to a video presentation |
1) Prospects want to know “what is it”?
Tell people what your product or service is. “We help people save on their electric bill” or “We help people look good and feel great”.
Tell the prospect what your product or service is in terms that are simple to understand.
2) How does it work?
Give your prospect a basic idea of how your business works with that product or service.
“When we help enough people save on their electric bill, the company starts sending us checks in the mail for the referrals. So every time your neighbors turn their lights on at night, you’re making money.”
3) Does it work for others?
This is where testimonials or stories come in. Tell your testimonial in 30 seconds or less. Tell the stories of others that have used the product/service successfully. Remember, facts tell but it’s the stories that sell.
4) What if it doesn’t work for me?
Let the prospect know that it’s not for everyone. When you do, you’ll help keep the salesman flags down. You’ll also demonstrate to your prospect that you’re really not selling. You’re just presenting. Either the prospect has an interest or not.
Tell the prospect about what happens if they don’t like the product or service.
“The company has a 30-day money back guarantee. Put the product/service to the test. Try it out for 30 days. At the same time, put the information to your mind. Then let your heart tell you whether this business is for you or not. If it is, great! I’ll help you and coach you to become successful. However if it’s not, no sweat. Get your money back. We’ll still be friends!”
Whether you’re giving your presentation on a lead capture “thank you” page, in a Slide2Check mobile app, or in person, be sure to keep it simple. Let the tools do as much as the presenting and telling. That way you don’t have to. This demonstrates to your prospects that anyone can do this business. (Using the Slide2Check app presentation service, you can link the slide to a video that does all the presenting for you so you don’t have to.)
Give these tips a try and see how well they work for you!
Thanks for reading.
To your success,
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