Tell me about your home business.. your network marketing business. Today I’m writing this post specifically to learn more about your network marketing business.
I’d like to see your business from your point of view and learn more about what’s important to you. If you have a minute, perhaps you could kindly reply below..
1. What is your most pressing issue regarding your home business? When you get up in the morning, what is it about your mlm business that you think about.
2. What is your most pressing issue regarding “marketing” your home business?
3. What is your greatest fear about your mlm business?
4. What is your greatest fear about “marketing” your home business?
5. What is your dream regarding your home business?
6. What is your dream regarding “marketing” your home business?
Please reply to this email. Give me a brief comment about each item above. This lets us know what’s important to you and your business. And it tells us what sort of tips we can provide you going forward.
Thanks in advance for your reply!
To your success,
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