This describes mlm web click traffic and answers the questions of how fast your click traffic order will get setup, and fill.
We get a lot of questions each week. Most relate to the following 4 questions:
1) How fast will you begin delivering traffic?
2) How long does it take to fill my traffic order?
3) What sort of optin rate can I expect at my capture page?
4) I received a few clicks of traffic, then it stopped. Is my order stuck?
So let’s answer these real quick..
1) How fast will you begin delivering my traffic once I order?
Your traffic order will typically be setup within an hour when that order is placed during the business day. It may take one or more hours to begin receiving traffic to the order depending on how many orders were added ahead of yours, and how fast traffic is coming into our traffic rotator. If you ordered on the weekend, it may take a few more hours but typically the order will be setup that day.
2) How long does it take to fill my traffic order?
We like to trickle traffic to fill orders. That way you get a higher optin rate. That said, we try to fill small orders within a couple days. Larger orders may take a week or more.
Do you have a deadline when you’d like your order completed?
If so, just let us know and we’ll work to meet your schedule. Give us that information in the Comments Box during the order checkout.
3) What sort of optin rate can I expect at my capture page?
There is really no way to predict your lead capture page conversion. (If I could, I’d be retired and living on some remote island without Internet! 🙂 ) I could speculate, but that’s still just a guess. You’re better to test a couple of different lead capture pages and see which converts the best for you. All top producers continually test new pages.
If you find that your lead capture page isn’t converting as well as you had hoped, don’t hesitate to contact us. We can direct the traffic to any new URL you specify. It’s not a big deal for us to make the update. We want to see you succeed.
4) I received a few clicks of traffic, then it stopped. Is my order stuck?
No your order is not stuck. Your order will remain in rotation until you’ve received all the traffic that you purchased.
Let me explain how our traffic rotator works:
When your traffic order is added to traffic rotator, your order goes to the top of the list in our rotator to receive its first round of traffic. After that round of traffic, your order goes to the bottom of the list. As traffic orders in rotation ahead of yours receive traffic, you move to the top of the list and once again receive a round of traffic. This rotation repeats until you’ve received all your traffic to complete your order.
The speed in which your order goes thru rotation depends on a) how many new orders were added to our traffic rotator, b) how many orders were completed and removed from rotation, and c) how fast traffic is coming into the rotator.
Again, let us know if you have a deadline for your traffic order. We’ll work to fill the order in that timeframe.
Hopefully this email answers questions that you too may have had. If you have other questions, please don’t hesitate to reply, or call us at 785-539-6904
We have a lot of good, quality traffic that is really working for most every bizop. So I trust MyAutoPilot Traffic will work for your business also.
Please get your traffic here when you’re ready to create some real excitement in your business.
Thanks for reading.
To your success,
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