This describes mlm prospecting, mlm lead prospecting, and the best mlm leads for prospecting. Predict your mlm lead prospecting results based on 3, 7 and 90.

Your prospecting numbers are 3, 7 and 90. Write them down. I’ll explain their meaning and how they can predict your mlm lead prospecting results.

Let’s start with the number 3.

Out of every 100 prospects and at any given time, there are 3 prospects currently in the market to buy your company’s product, service or opportunity right now. They’re actively looking to make a purchase right now.


Out of every 100 prospects and at any given time, there are 7 prospects that are open to buying your company’s product, service or opportunity. They’re open to it but they’re not actively pursuing the purchase. They’ll get around to it when they get around to it.

And 90.

Out of every 100 prospects, at any given time, there are 90 prospects that..

A) were once interested but are not really thinking much about it right now

B) were once interested but are not really interested now (but might be if you did a good job prospecting them), and

C) were once interested but definitely are not interested now.

3, 7 and 90.

Those are your numbers. Those are your prospects.

Now that you know your numbers, how will you spend your time prospecting? Will you..

* spend time sorting thru blocks of 100 to find 3 ready to buy now?

* spend your time trying to convince 7 that now is the time?


* spend your time with the 90 that have no real desire to take action?

Most people spend their time on the 90 instead of sifting and sorting to find the 3.

How about you?

Be honest with yourself.

Let me ask… if you knew there were 3 people waiting to join your business right now, how fast could you prospect a list of 100 names?

Keep in mind that this is a business of sifting and sorting people. The more people you prospect, the more people will join you.

And they’ll join you right now. If you ask them right now.

So start asking them.

And when you need a list of people to prospect, you’ll find ’em here:

>> Today’s MLM Lead Specials <<

This article described mlm prospecting, mlm lead prospecting, and the best mlm leads for prospecting. You can easily predict your mlm lead prospecting results based on the number of 3, 7 and 90.

KEYWORDS: mlm prospecting, mlm lead prospecting, best mlm leads for prospecting