This describes mlm leads prospecting and mlm leads productivity. Try these 2 mobile apps to make your mlm leads prospecting more productive.
Do you use a “to-do” lists to keep track of your network marketing business and personal life? If not, you really should consider it. You’ll be surprised just how much you get done when you start tracking your daily mlm business tasks. Especially when it comes to your mlm leads prospecting.
When it comes to tracking, there are a couple of mobile apps for mlm that I can recommend to help you become more productive. They are..
1) Google Keep
According to their app description, Google Keep “quickly captures what’s on your mind and be reminded at the right place or time.”
You can use it to jot down quick notes, make checklists, record an image or audio. You can set reminders and arrange your notes by topics.
I use this to track both my mlm business and personal life. I have one category that reads “What’s Important Now” where my high priority items appear.
The really neat thing about it is that not only is there a mobile app, but there’s also an app for your web browser. You can install the app on your Firefox or Google Chrome browser. Then your smartphone syncs automatically with your browser to keep your list up to date. Give this a try. It’s called “Google Keep”.
While I’ve used the Evernote mobile app for this in the past, I like Google Keep because of the web browser integration and syncing with my smartphone
2) Toggl
Have you ever had a day where you were extremely busy but unfortunately, you didn’t get anything accomplished? If so, maybe it how you’re spending your mlm prospecting time.
When it comes to tracking how I spend my time, I use a mobile app called “Toggl“.
Toggl allows me to track what I’m doing throughout the day. I can create tasks categories. When I start a task, I click the “start” button and Toggle begins to track that time on the task. When I complete the task and move on, I click the “stop” button. Toggl totals and reports the time spent on the task.
I can create projects and keep tracks of tasks associated with each and every project I’m working on.
As they say, the number’s don’t lie. So when you use Toggl to track your time, you’ll begin to see just how effective you are with your personal time management.
Sometimes I use this mobile app for mlm just to keep me on task. That way I don’t get distracted with non-income-producing tasks like browsing Facebook or reading online news. 🙂
Give Toggl a try and see how it helps you keep more focused on what’s important in your mlm network marketing business.
In the meanwhile, please let us know if we can help you with your mlm leads or home business marketing needs.
This described mlm leads prospecting and mlm leads productivity. Put these 2 mobile apps to work and make your mlm leads prospecting more productive.
To your success,
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KEYWORDS: mlm leads training, mlm leads productivity, mlm mobile app