This article describes mlm leads, network marketing leads and mlm lead lists; how to leave voicemail messages that make mlm lead prospects call you back.

Have you ever dialed thru a mlm lead lists only to find that no one is home to answer the phone. If you’re like most distributors, you leave your prospects a voicemail message. That way you don’t have to chase mlm lead prospects down. Instead, make them call you back.

Sorry… but that rarely happens.

Most prospects are going to use their telephone CallerID to screen your mlm prospecting call. They’ll look to see if they recognize your name and number. If they don’t recognize it, they’ll let your call go to voicemail.

So what should you do?

What should you do to improve your connect rates?

Here are a couple of tips that can help you connect with more of your network marketing leads.

1) Don’t Leave a Voicemail Message… Yet.

Knowing that prospects use CallerID and voicemail to screen their calls, I recommend that you NOT leave voicemail messages right away. Instead, I recommend that you dial thru your list 3 times before you begin leaving messages.

When you dial thru an mlm lead list and don’t leave a message, you’ll drive your prospects “crazy”. They’ll see your number on CallerID and think..

“Who is this person and why are they calling me? Let me call this person to see who they are and what they want.”

Once their curiosity takes over, they’ll often call you back. That makes your mlm leads prospecting even easier.

2) Create Curiosity in your VoiceMail Message.

Once you’ve dialed thru an mlm leads list say 3 times, I recommend that you then begin to leave voicemail messages. The messages should be short and should NOT talk about “you requested information on my website” since I’ve found that those types of messages don’t work well for getting return calls.

A couple of years ago, my customer Zachary Miller called and provided me this marketing tip on how he improved his call-back rates from mlm lead prospects. Listen to the audio below:

I thought I was pretty good at getting call-backs whenever I left voicemail messages. Well… I’ve been schooled! Zachary certainly provided “yours truly” a lesson in marketing!

Now that you’ve left a voicemail message on the 4th and 5th runs thru the list, put the list on the shelf and start working on a new mlm leads list. After a couple of weeks, go back over the old leads list one more time to see if you can pick up any other prospects for your mlm or network marketing business opportunity.

Give this technique a try and see how it works for you.

And when you’re ready to start talking to new prospects, try out Real-Time MLM Lead Lists.

BTW… Don’t leave more than 2 or 3 voicemail messages. If you do, you begin to appear desperate to your prospect. I made that mistake early in my networking career. It was sad!

Thanks for reading.

This article described mlm leads, network marketing leads and mlm lead lists; how to leave voicemail messages that make mlm lead prospects call you back.

KEYWORDS: mlm leads, network marketing leads, mlm lead lists, mlm lead prospecting