This describes mlm leads generation, mlm online marketing and mlm leads prospecting. If you were to pick my brain, what would you ask?
If you were to pick my brain to gain immediate access to over 21 years of online marketing, lead generation and prospecting, what sorts of questions would you ask?
The reason I ask is that every week I try to post lead generation, marketing and prospecting tips to you in this newsletter. While I think these tips are relevant to your business, I’d like to know what you think.
What information can I provide you to help your business grow?
Hit “Reply” now. Tell me what sorts of things you would like to learn more about in this newsletter.
Would you like to learn more about lead generation?
About online marketing?
More information about what to say to prospects?
Well, maybe you’re asking you’re yourself whether I’m qualified to give advice.
You may not know this but I’ve provided online marketing and lead generation services for more than 21 years in a variety of industries.
* I’ve spent years dialing leads to grow my NWM business; taking it from part-time to full time from home.
* Built portal sites that generated and sold organic web traffic
* Created and sold info products online, offline
* Created and marketed a popular email autoresponder service
* Created, tested and optimized lead capture pages in a variety of markets
* Generated local brick/mortar business leads via local SEO
* Created mobile apps – iOS and Android
* Generated biz op, finance, insurance, student loan, resort vacation and home sales leads.
[FIRSTNAME], it’s fair to say that I’ve walked in your shoes when it comes to building a business from home. So now, I’d like to give you direct access to the information I’ve learned over the years. So please, pick my brain now to learn more.
Hit “Reply” and tell me what sorts of things you’d like to learn more about to help you grow your business from home.
Thanks for reading.
To your success,
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