You’re spending money on paid click traffic. You’re generating leads for your mlm business. You’re building your business with those leads.
And though you may not realize it, you may be building someone else’s business with those same leads.
Let me explain..
I’ve been generating leads in this industry for 23 years. I’ve seen a lot of games played by vendors with leads, and now with paid click traffic.
Overselling Leads
Back in the days of ProAutoresponder. (2001-2005), lead vendors would oversell leads to our customers – 15 times or more. Reselling leads was like printing money. I felt bad for the people buying these oversold leads. And I felt bad for the people on those lists. They were bombarded with phone calls and emails.
Today, lead generation has moved onto using paid click traffic to generate leads. So now there seems to be a new set of games being played by certain vendors.
Bot Traffic + Lead Posting = Fake Traffic
I tested a paid traffic source a few years ago. They lit up my web analytics with web bots at my lead capture page but no leads were created. Days later I started receiving dozens of leads. However, my real-time web analytics showed that there was no one at my lead capture page while the leads were coming in.
How does that happen?
I’ll tell you how it happens..
That vendor used web bots to make it appear as if people visited my lead capture page. Then they used a server POST to post leads directly into my autoresponder webform even though no one was actually at my lead capture page.
It’s likely that they used aged leads. Certainly these leads had not seen my lead capture, nor my business presentation.
Solo Ad Vendor + Solo Lead Capture Page = Guaranteed Optin Rates
A new trend has appeared where a solo ad vendor will guarantee your lead capture page optin rate IF you use their lead capture page.
Industry sources say certain solo vendors are purchasing email drops from large email publishers, then having that traffic directed to their own lead capture page. Customers get an optin lead, as does the solo ad vendor. The vendor uses the lead to build their own solo ad list. They blast to the list until it is worn out, at which time they sell it on the wholesale aftermarket.
Solo Ad Vendor + Their Lead Capture Page = Retargeted Traffic
Creative solo vendors are placing tracking pixels at your “thank you” page or “presentation page” in an effort to “retarget” or “remarket” to traffic they’ve delivered to you.
Lead Capture Page Systems Using, Selling Your Leads
Over the years, we’ve integrated with a number of online marketing systems. It is common for us to use various test email addresses in those systems during setup. It’s always interesting to see emails arrive at those test email accounts weeks, months and even years later.
How does that happen?
The system owner often keeps a copy of the leads that go into the system. So while you paid for the advertising to generate your own leads, the system owner has a copy of those same leads. They use them for their own personal marketing, then sell them as aged leads.
Not all system owners do this. But it happens without you ever knowing about it.
What We Do At
At, we don’t play traffic games. We sell real traffic made up of real people.
How do I know this?
I know this because web bots don’t type in their credit card information into websites to get started in business. But real people do. And that’s what happens everyday in my online sales funnel when I use my traffic.
We never re-purpose your paid click traffic. When a prospect clicks on our banner ad, we immediately direct them to your lead capture page.
That’s it.
Nor do we re-purpose any lead that you may have created using any of our online marketing systems.
The leads you generate are yours exclusively.
We think this is the right way to do business.
We hope you do too.
Thanks for reading.
To your success,
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Enrique Garibay – Done-For-You Marketing Tel 785.539.6904 |