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We’ve been answering questions lately regarding when and when not to use the MLM Call Center Dial Service. This is our service that screens your leads.
The Call Center Dial Service is a great way to have your mlm leads pre-screened. Our professional callers call your leads using your personal phone script. Prospects that are interested enough in your business and want to learn more are then forwarded to you after we complete the phone call. So instead of spending your evening dialing 100s of phone numbers, you only spend time dialing those leads that raised their hands to say “yes, I’d like to learn more”.
If you’re trying to decide whether the service is right for you, consider these points:
* If you’re new to working leads in general, it is better to gain some experience dialing leads yourself prior to using the Call Service. Consider the Real-Time National Leads. The experience you’ll gain will be invaluable as you prepare to dial more targeted leads in the future.
* If you’re trying to direct leads to a business presentation before you speak with them, you’re better to purchase MyAutoPilot Web Traffic instead of purchasing leads and call time.
The traffic directs prospects to your lead capture page. Interested people complete your lead capture page webform to learn more. Your capture page system immediately redirects them to your business presentation. That way you know that the prospect has been exposed to your presentation before you follow-up with them.
* If you’re experienced dialing leads but are short on time.. and your intent is to interview prospects over the phone, then the Call Center Dial Service is right for you. The service allows you to efficiently sift and sort people in the shortest time possible.
I hope this quick overview helps you to determine the right marketing strategy for your business.
Thanks for reading.
To your success,
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