This describes mlm leads generation and mlm leads capture pages. It is time to update your mlm lead capture page?
It is time to change it up?
I’m talking about your lead capture page. It is time to change it up?
Over the years of testing of generating mlm leads and testing mlm lead capture pages, I’ve found that every lead capture page has a certain lifetime to it. What’s working and converting traffic into leads today, won’t necessarily work tomorrow. As a marketer, you want to be aware of this and continually rotate your lead capture pages to find out what’s working and what’s not.
The most successful mlm marketers are those that continually test one mlm lead capture page against the other. We call this “split testing” or “A/B” testing. This testing sends bizop traffic traffic to the two pages simultaneously. Which lead capture page is converting better to generate more leads? Now that you know, keep the good converting page and replace the poor performer with a new lead capture page, then resume testing. Now which page converts the best?
Repeat and rinse. Repeat and rinse.
When you do this, you end up getting the most out of your marketing dollar. And so will your team!
While we’re on the topic of mlm lead capture pages, are you using a team lead capture page system?
Let us know what system you’re using. Perhaps we can run some web traffic promotions with your team to send them extra traffic.
Whether you’re marketing on your own or with a team, MyAutoPilot Traffic will help you automate your business prospecting and sponsoring.
To your success,
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Enrique Garibay |