This describes mobile marketing for mlm and how to reach those hard to get a hold of mlm leads that never answer the phone.
Have you ever had hard-to-get-hold-of prospects that never seem to answer the phone?
If you’re like most people, you have.
I have.
It used to drive me nuts. But after awhile I came to learn that it’s just part of marketing. It’s just the way it is.
Even though it is that way, I still look for new ways to connect with prospects.
Today I think I have something that may help you connect with those hard-to-get-hold-of prospects that never answer their phone.
Hear me out on this one..
As I’ve been writing about mobile marketing over the past several weeks, a few things have stuck in my mind. They include..
1) There are more new smartphones being activated in the USA daily than there are babies being born.
2) Most everyone has their mobile device within arms reach 24/7.
3) 92% of all USA smartphone owners use SMS text messaging.
4) 62% of recent MyAutoPilot Web Traffic originated from mobile devices. And finallly..
5) 53% of people that grew up with smartphones preferred to communicate electronically instead of by voice.
Soooo, those stats got me thinking. I began to wonder..
..of the leads that come in daily, how many of those people use a mobile phone?
I did a quick (unscientific) look at our incoming leads this morning and found that 77% of all leads use a mobile phone. Let me say that again:
Nearly 80% of all incoming leads use a mobile phone.
So that got me thinking even more. If..
* most prospects are using a mobile device, and
* most web traffic comes from a mobile device, and
* most mobile device owners have their device within arms reach all the time, and
* most mobile device owners use SMS text message…
..Then wouldn’t it make sense to send these hard-to-get-hold-of prospects a text message from your mobile device?
Logic says that you should be able to connect with these prospects via text messaging!
Give it a try yourself.
Next time you can’t get a hold of your prospects by phone, send them a text message instead. See if they respond that way.
Once you’ve thoroughly tested this yourself after some time, give me some feedback to tell me how it’s worked for you.
In the meanwhile, let us know how we can help you with your marketing. We have a red-hot web traffic promotion running thru the summer months. Use the Passcode shown at right to get bonus web traffic.
We can also call your leads for you!
To your success,
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Enrique Garibay – Providing Quality MLM Leads Since 2003 Tel 785.539.6904 |