Are other people sponsoring your mlm leads into their network marketing business instead of yours?
This is happening everyday.. maybe even to you, but you may not be aware of how or why it is happening.
Today I was talking to Sally D. over the phone. She was asking the difference between MyAutoPilot Traffic mlm web traffic VS. Solo Ads.
I told Sally that one of the biggest differences is that when her team uses a Solo Ad vendor, the entire team is competing for the same mlm leads in that vendor’s email list.
Whereas, when her team uses MyAutoPilot Traffic mlm web traffic, each person on her team is getting a different person at their capture page with each click of mlm traffic delivered.
Each click of MyAutoPilot Traffic is unique and not remarketed-to or repurposed over and over again like is done in a solo ad list. So there is never competition within the team for the same leads when they use MyAutoPilot Traffic.
Sally mentioned that many people use the same solo ads vendor.
When they do this, they end up getting the same leads. This presents a problem since only one person can sponsor that lead into their business.
And that person is the first person that planted a “cookie” on the prospect’s web browser. (No, not like the cookie above. I am referring to a web browser cookie.) So when the others in her team generate leads, many of those leads can never be sponsored because someone else already has them.
Competing with your team for the same prospects is just wrong!
Why waste your money generating leads that you can’t sponsor?
Start generating unique leads today using MyAutoPilot Traffic.
You’ll receive a fresh set of eye balls (unique person sent to your lead capture page) with each click of traffic delivered.
Go here today for MyAutoPilot Traffic.
Thanks for reading.
To your success,
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Enrique Garibay |