This describes how to double your mlm or network marketing business over the next 12 months. Take this action.
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Would you like to double your business over the next year?
I hope you answered “yes” to that question. If so, continue reading..
I stopped by my friend’s Facebook page this morning. His name is Bill Walsh. Bill is a direct sales coach that helps entrepreneurs understand exactly what it takes to build successful companies.
On his page, Bill displayed a graphic that described 3 things you need to do everyday to double your business over the next year. They are as follows:
1) Before You Go To Bed Tonight
Instead of watching the news, write down the 10 most important things you’d like to accomplish in order to have a massively successful day tomorrow.
2) 10 Before 10
Instead of worrying about all the negativity from the news, your brain will be focusing on the positive 10 tasks for tomorrow to complete before 10 AM.
3) Make This Part Of Your Program
Try this for 5 days a week, at least. If you’re really great, you’ll do it every day of the week.
So let’s say you do this on a daily basis. What do you suppose will happen to your business and commission checks over the course of the next 12 months?..
Consistency is the name of the direct sales game. Building a business is a marathon; not a sprint.
Add prospects to your sales funnel everyday. Let your system do the sifting and sorting for you. Be diligent about your follow-up. Let prospects know that you’re a real person and that you really care about them and their goals.
Have you picked up any web traffic lately? If not, you might want to get some right away..
While I can’t guarantee your conversion rates, I’ve been getting a 63% optin rate at my lead capture page this morning. But it’s not enough that people are opting in at such high rates. They’re also upgrading to paid memberships, and that’s what matters most!
This morning, Richard C. sent me a screenshot of his back office showing 16 leads on the first 27 clicks of traffic.. that’s a whopping 59% optin rate. Richard wrote:
“Your conversion rate is amazing!”
If you haven’t picked up your MyAutoPilot Traffic this week, be sure to get an order started today. Prospects are chomping at the bit looking for information on how to make income from home.
Thanks for reading.
To your success,
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