They say the the fortune is in the follow-up. This article describes how often you should follow-up with your mlm leads.
It’s often that clients ask:
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“How often should I follow-up with my leads?”
I think one can answer that question a few different ways. Let me explain..
By Phone
If you’re contacting your leads by phone, I recommend 3 to 5 dials thru a list. If you haven’t made contact in that time, give the list a break for 1 to 2 weeks. Then pick up the list again and make a couple more dials back thru the list.
I dial leads in the evening – after 6 PM in their time zone. That gives me the best chance of getting a hold of prospects. In fact, I’ve trained our Call Center Dial Service callers to only dial between the hours of 6 pm to 9 pm Monday thru Thursday. I’ve found those to be the best time to reach prospects.
I don’t leave messages right away. I like to dial thru the list 3 or 4 times before leaving any sort of voicemail message.
While I might send email to the prospect early when I receive the lead, my emails will be more effective if I connect with the prospect on the phone prior to sending email.
By Email
If you’re working a leads list, again I’d recommend making some sort of contact with the prospect before sending email. That way prospects know to expect your email. Connecting with the prospect also helps to get your email noticed and read when it does arrive.
If you’re working a lead that was generated by driving traffic to your lead capture page, then that lead has likely already started receiving your emails prior to your phone contact. You likely have emails going out every day after the optin. However, the longer the lead is in your autoresponder, the longer period of time between email sends.
Some of the most successful online marketers try to communicate with their leads daily via email. If you choose to do the same, be careful. Don’t just send email over and over to talk about your business. Instead, use your emails to bring value to your readers. You want prospects to look forward to receiving and reading your emails, instead of deleting them as spam.
By Text Messaging
If you have a smartphone with a good data plan, you might consider using text messaging to reach out to your prospects. We’re seeing an increase in text use in contacting prospects.
If you’ve dialed thru the list several times and the prospect hasn’t answered or replied, send a text message. We’ve had occasions where the prospect would not answer the phone but did respond to the text message right away.
I wouldn’t recommend sending or saying a lot via text. Make your messages to the point. You might say:
“Were you serious about making income from home? Or just kicking the idea around?”
If they’re serious, send them to your lead capture page (if the lead is from a leads list) or to your presentation page (if they’ve already opted into to your lead capture page). Then give them a time when you’ll ping them back to learn of their interest.
Give these follow-up techniques a try and see how well they work for you.
Thanks for reading.
To your success,
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