This describes mlm leads and mlm web traffic. Is your mlm business focused on generating mlm leads or making mlm sales instead?
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What’s the focus of your marketing today?
Are you trying to generate leads?
Are you trying to generate sales?
There is a big difference between the two.
Far too many marketers focus simply on “building lists”.
But list building doesn’t make you mo’ney.
Only “sales” make you mo’ney. (Thanks for the feedback Naomi!)
When I look at my sales funnel, I see that more than 90% of all sales were made on the very first visit to my sales funnel.
Only 10% were made sometime later from my drip email campaign.
As you look at your web traffic and sales funnel, always give people the opportunity to get started in your business without ever talking to you.
Always lead prospects to the sale. Always ask for the sale.
When you’re working with responsive traffic and a good sales funnel, it’s possible to get good optin rates, and make sales.
That’s how it happens!
Is your sales funnel open for business?
If so, go here to get started with MyAutoPilot Web Traffic today.
Thanks for reading.
To your success,
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