This article describes mlm leads, mlm web traffic, mlm click traffic for mlm lead generation. Are Facebook ads tanking for your mlm leads generation? Seasoned marketers and brick and mortar retailers say “Yes”.
I’ve been getting phone calls lately from seasoned marketers that tell me Facebook advertising has tanked.
Is that true for you too?
And it’s not just the online marketers noting the change. Brick and mortar retailers are complaining that Facebook advertising has hit an all time low for them as well.
As you evaluate your marketing opportunities, know that we offer MyAutoPilot Traffic available on demand. This is bizop traffic that converts!
We don’t use web properties like Facebook to generate our traffic. We use high traffic consumer sites to display our “make income from home” banner ads. When someone clicks on our banner ad to learn more, we direct them to your lead capture page as one click of traffic delivered.
Our banner ads have been tested and refined over the past 5 years. They attract people that want to create income from home.
You don’t need to send us any sort of “swipe file” to get traffic. Nor do you need to write ad copy for us. Simply place your traffic order and give us your lead capture page URL. That’s it!
Facebook may be driving up your advertising costs while tanking your results, but we won’t. You can depend on us for fresh, responsive USA-based traffic day in and day out.
Are you ready for traffic delivered to your lead capture page?
Go here now to get yours.
Thanks for reading.
To your success,
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