Use Twitter to generate mlm leads and mlm lead lists. Is mlm lead generation as easy as a Twitter post? Generate mlm leads using Twitter.

I’m seeing a lot of Twitter mlm lead generation articles and posts on the Internet today saying how easy it is to generate mlm leads using Twitter. So I’m writing this article to ask: Is it really that easy to generate mlm leads using Twitter?

Are you generating mlm leads using Twitter?

If so, how many people that follow your Twitter feed are really prospects for your business?

Are they following you on Twitter because they want your information? Or are they following you because they’re trying to generate their own leads and want you to be one of them?

And a big picture question: What is your Return on Investment when it comes to mlm lead generation using Twitter? If you were to put a monetary value for your time, how much are your leads costing you to generate?

Let me explain where this question is coming from…

I have a Twitter account at There I post links to my mlm leds blog articles and mlm lead promotions and trainings. I have new people subscribe to my Twitter feed on a regular basis. Everytime a new person subscribes to my Twitter feed, I get an email notification like the one below:

MLM Lead Generation Twitter Notification

MLM Lead Generation Twitter Notification

One could say that for each new subscriber to my Twitter feed, that I’ve generated a new lead for my business.

Or have I?

I don’t think so. And here’s why…

Take a look at the graphic above. This person is subscribed to nearly 13,000 other Twitter feeds besides mine. So is this person really going to pay much attention to my marketing message when there are another 13,000 people vying for his attention?

I don’t think so.

I call this mlm lead generation method “Twitter Spam” in that it is becoming much like email became; throw enough mud on the wall and see what sticks.

To use Twitter effectively to generate mlm leads, one must employ list building strategies to build a targeted list of readers. A list of readers that will actually READ your message when you post one.

So again, yes you can generate mlm leads using Twitter. But it’s not as easy as many people claim. And just because a person subscribes to your Twitter feed does not mean that you’ve generated an mlm lead for your business opportunity.

In the upcoming weeks and months, I’ll provide the “do it yourself” crowd with solid “nuts and bolts” training on how to use Twitter to generate your own leads. That way the DIYers can employ those tactics to generate their mlm leads using Twitter.

And for the folks that prefer to spend their time prospecting instead of generating mlm leads… know that we have a solution for you too. That solution is our Real-Time MLM Leads posted here.

This described using Twitter to generate mlm leads and mlm lead lists. Is mlm lead generation as easy as a Twitter post? Generate mlm leads using Twitter. Or pick up an mlm leads list and start prospecting today instead of trying to generating your own mlm leads. The choice is yours.

KEYWORDS: twitter mlm lead generation, mlm leads, twitter mlm leads