This mlm leads article describes an easy method for creating and testing postcards for direct mail prospecting of mlm leads.
The past few weeks I’ve had inquiries about using our Real-Time National MLM Leads for postcard marketing. People have asked whether anyone is using our mlm leads for direct mail marketing. The answer is “yes”.
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A few months ago I mentioned that a client used a well-tested postcard with our National Leads. On that postcard, readers were instructed to go to my client’s website to learn more. My client reported that over 70% of his leads read the postcard, then opted into his lead capture page.
A 70% Optin Rate!
That’s pretty huge. I’ve never heard of results before. Obviously the National Leads worked great for his direct mail campaign.
Over the years that I’ve studied postcard marketing, I’ve come away with the several conclusions:
1) Direct mail marketing still works. There is less competition for the US Postal mailbox than ever before.
2) You need to test and refine your postcard ad copy to make it work. Have a clear message and call to action.
3) Printing postcards can be expensive.
4) Handwritten postcards out-perform printed cards.
Knowing that..
* direct mail can work, and that..
* you need to test your postcard ad copy..
How can you then.. reduce your printing costs while mass producing postcards that appear to be handwritten?
Well, here’s what I did to solve these problems. You can do the same.
Step 1: Purchase white postcard card stock from the office supply store. The white card stock comes in sheets that can be broken apart into individual postcards. They also come with a Word Document “template” that allows you to insert the sheets into your home printer to print.
Step 2: Hand-write one postcard using a broad tipped black marker. See an example at top right.
Step 3: Scan the postcard. Save it as an image file.
Step 4: Create a Word Document using the template associated with your postcard card stock. (See the card stock box for the template #, then download the template from their website.)
Step 5: Insert the scanned image onto the face of each postcard available in a sheet of card stock.
Step 6: Print the sheets of postcards out on a black/white printer.
Step 7: Tear the sheet apart into individual postcards. Prepare them for mailing.
Instead of tearing the sheets apart, you could go a step further and create another Word Document. Use that document’s mail merge feature to import your leads list, and then print addresses on the back side of the postcards.
This is a quick and easy way to create new postcards without all the expense of hiring a professional printer. And when done correctly, each postcard looks hand-written with a black felt marker.
I came up with this technique after receiving a simple white postcard myself years ago. I’ve used this method a number of times. Now you can do the same using our National MLM Leads (or any lead type).
Thanks for reading.
To your success,
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Enrique Garibay |