This mlm lead prospecting article describes how you must risk failing at mlm leads and mlm lead prospecting in order to win at mlm.

Today I want to share a sales tip with you. It is..

Sandler Sales Rule #1: You Have to Learn to Fail, to Win.

Think about when you learned to walk or to ride a bike. You fell and fell before you eventually mastered the art of walking or riding. It’s the same when you learn to drive a car, make prospecting calls, or when you start a business.

Look at Henry Ford. He failed 4 times before he succeeded.

Thomas Edison failed for almost 10 years before he succeeded at his light bulb.

No one would ever consider these guys as failures. Both risked failure in order to find out what they were truly capable of achieving.

As you prospect sales leads for your business, we ask that you learn from your failures and understand that it’s a process. It’s okay to fail. As a person, you’re not a failure. However the process you’re using right now may be failing. The process you’re using right now may not be the right one to produce the prospecting results you’re trying to achieve.

So if your prospecting calls aren’t going well, then examine sales process you are using. For example, are you using words in your calls that raise the “salesman” flags with your prospects?

Don’t get discouraged if your prospecting calls aren’t going well. Learn from them.

You have to be willing to fail and risk failure in order to win at your business. That way you’ll find out what you’re truly capable of achieving.

When you’re ready to achieve more in your business, prospect with our mlm leads.

Inside your Member’s account, you’ll find audio and phone script training of how to prospect your leads. Use this training so that you can WIN big from home.

To Your Success,

Enrique Garibay – Helping Entrepreneurs Everywhere with MLM Leads

Today’s marketing tip and mlm lead prospecting article described how you must risk failing at mlm leads and mlm lead prospecting in order to win at mlm.


KEYWORDS: mlm leads, mlm lead prospecting