This Million dollar producer uses 1 mlm email lead type with his network marketing business and how you can do the same with autoresponder leads.
Enrique: At that point Paul, how much extra income was coming in for you would you say?
Paul: About $200 a month. It wasn’t a lot but it was nice because it was a supplement to my income. My income at the time was only $25,000 a year. So the extra was covering a car payment.
Enrique: When did this switch get flipped for you to really turn this into a business?
Opt In MLM Email Lead and Autoresponder Lead Marketing Tip What’s the best message format when working your mlm email lead and autoresponder lead? I’ve found that either plain text or HTML format can work well as long as you keep the look and feel of the email message as if a friend wrote the email. Get your MLM Email Lead List today! Did you know? Did you know that the mlm email lead or autoresponder lead is the least expensive lead compared to other optin mlm lead types. It’s perfect for an autoresponder or bulk mailer. Click here to get your MLM email lead and autoresponder leads list today. |
Paul: I first came into the business and ordered the product. Then gentleman had mailed a videotape to me. It was called Brilliant Compensation. It sat on my shelf for literally six months. One night it was like 11:00 p.m. and there was nothing on TV. So I grabbed the videotape and put it in the VCR. I literally watched it three times in a row. I was up until 2:30 in the morning watching this video. For those of you listening to this call, I strongly encourage you to watch the video. It completely changed my life.
Once I saw that video of Brilliant Compensation, I knew what I was going to do the rest of my life. It really explained things wonderfully without the hype. So the next day I sat down with my fiancée at the time – who is now my wife – and showed her the video. She was starting a business at the same time as well. She was running a family restaurant. So she did that while I decided to go full time into MLM.
Enrique: How did you do that early on? He talked about finding business builders. What was your method of reaching out? Or were you using mlm email leads or autoresponder leads already?
Paul: Well what we did was send out the Dead Doctors Don’t Lie tapes and got people on the products. I would send them a video also and tell them that there was a way make to money at this. So we were doing audio tapes and VHS tapes. People were watching these tapes and they understood how network marketing worked. That was a very professional way of doing business.
With so many people coming on board, network marketing is really becoming a new profession. I have doctors and lawyers even looking at this now that were not before. This is a legitimate way of making money.
Success with MLM Email Leads and Autoresponder Leads Autoresponder lead lists and mlm email lead includes the prospect’s name, address, email address and IP address. This mlm lead list is from the USA and are 0 to 48 hours in age. Get your email autoresponder leads and start signing up new reps. Click here to pick up an mlm email lead list today. |
Check back tomorrow for Part 4 of this article when Paul describes how he moved away from using cassette tapes to using the Internet and mlm email lead or autoresponder lead lists to build his mlm business.
Click here if you missed Part 2 of this article.
KEYWORDS: mlm email lead, autoresponder lead, mlm lead