This mlm leads article describes how to lose big orders and small orders. Pay close attention to how this is done so you don’t do the same in your mlm business.
I admit, today’s newsletter tip is a bit unconventional.
Instead of telling you how to win a big $4,300 sale (or more) for your business, I’m going to tell you the exact steps you need to ** Lose ** that sale every time.
This method works flawlessly for big and small orders alike.
Here goes..
If ever you want to ** lose out ** a $4,300 sale, then **Do Not** follow-up with your prospect.
Did you get that?
If you want to lose out on sales, Do Not follow-up with your prospect.
Sounds crazy, right?!
Who would want to miss out on a big sale like that?
There are a lot of people that don’t follow-up with prospects.
Here’s an example:
I have a building that needs work. It has an electrical panel that has to be replaced. We estimate the cost at $4,300; maybe more. Having this work done is not an option – it has to be done. And we’re ready to pay an electrician to begin the work.
Now.. if only the electrician would follow-up with us to get started.
He is going to miss out on $4,300 payday simply by not following-up with his prospect (me).
If you knew you could make more income by simply following-up with prospects, is that something you would do? I would. And I hope that you would too.
Make a simple phone call, send a text or Facebook message to your prospect. This little action can give you an advantage over your competition.
Do that one simple task daily and watch your business grow!
Meanwhile, be sure to automate your prospecting this holiday season with MyAutoPilot Traffic!
Click here to get started now.
Thanks for reading. To your success,
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