This mlm lead generation article describes how to design the best mlm lead capture page for your mlm network marketing business opportunity.

In today’s marketing tip, I want to talk about your lead capture page. Is it working for you? Could it improve?

By nature of what I do in selling and directing mlm web traffic to lead capture pages, I have the opportunity to see a lot of different mlm lead capture pages. Some are good. Some need some work.

As you evaluate your own mlm lead capture page, look for these key elements:

The Goal
As you look at your mlm lead capture page, ask yourself: “What’s the goal of this page?”

Once you’ve answered that question, decide whether or not the layout accomplishes the goal.

The goal of your mlm lead capture page should be to invite the mlm lead prospect to learn more about your mlm network marketing business opportunity. It should give them enough information about what you do so that they can decide whether or not they want more information. If so, they’ll opt into your mlm lead capture page webform.

The goal of your lead capture is NOT to make a business presentation. It’s only after you capture an mlm lead do you make a business presentation.

Everything on your page – headline, sub-headline, ad copy, web form, video and page background – should be in support the page goal: capture the mlm lead information of those interested in learning more about your mlm business opportunity.

MLM Lead Capture Page Headline and Sub-headline
I use the mlm lead capture page headline and sub-headline ad copy as a way of letting the person know what’s in store for them if they opt into the web form to learn more.

Crafting a good headline and sub-headline is a great way to create targeted mlm leads for your business. It provides you a way to sift/sort people so that only the “right” mlm prospects ask you for more information.

In a recent mlm lead capture page that we created for a client, we used a headline and sub-headline that described how the prospect could make money from home by losing weight.

If your business is about mobile phone service, your headlines could talk about how the prospect could get paid to talk and text on their cell phone.

If your business is about selling electricity, your headlines could focus on getting paid every time your neighbors turn their lights on at night.

If your business is about selling cosmetics, your headlines could talk about how the prospect could get paid to look 10 years younger. Craft the headline so that it speaks to women instead of men. That way you get a more targeted lead that is predisposed to have an interest in your business presentation.

MLM Lead Capture Page Ad Copy
I don’t use much ad copy on my mlm lead capture pages any longer. If you have a strong headline and sub-headline, you don’t really need much else. Either the prospect is interested in learning more or they are not.

Too often marketers create long ad copy for their mlm lead capture page. This is bad for 2 reasons:

1) It takes too long to read. Prospects want instant information. So let them request the information and get on with the business presentation if that’s what they really want.

2) Long ad copy means that the prospect has to scroll down the page just to find your web form. Instead, the web form should be visible immediately when they land on your mlm lead capture page.

I recommend that your mlm lead capture page web form request only 3 fields of information max. They should be:

* name
* email
* phone

Again, request 3 fields of information max.

The more fields of information you ask, the fewer people will complete the form and the fewer mlm leads you’ll generate. Even if you have a long web form, it’s likely that people will make up information just to submit the web form. The only way you’ll get the real answers will be to interview them after they’ve viewed your online presentation.

MLM Lead Capture Page Video
While many people use video on their mlm lead capture page, I don’t think it’s necessary provided that you have a strong headline and sub-headline on the page.

Videos can often work against you, especially if they auto-play. Think about it.. if you’re unhappy with your job and you’re searching the web at work trying to find a home based business, the last thing you want to happen is for a loud video to auto-play so that all your co-workers know that you’re doing something other than work.

MLM Lead Capture Page Background
Use the mlm lead capture page background to send a subliminal message about how great it is to have a business of your own. Our own mlm lead capture pages often use a woman sitting on the beach with a laptop. It sends the message that you can work a mlm home business from anywhere. It tells the viewer that they can make money even while they’re on vacation.

Now that you’ve read today’s mlm lead generation and mlm lead capture page marketing tip, take a few minutes to evaluate your mlm lead capture page.

Does it accomplish the intended goal of inviting the mlm lead prospect to inquire about your business?

In the event you want an mlm lead capture page make-over, let us know. We’re creating and hosting some really good mlm lead capture pages that are converting anywhere between 33% to 63% on average depending on the headline and sub-headline used on the page. Of course I can’t guarantee your results but I’m sure you’ll be happy with them.

And when you’re ready for high-quality mlm web traffic to your mlm lead capture page, try

This mlm lead generation article described the best mlm lead capture page for your mlm network marketing business opportunity.

KEYWORDS: best mlm lead capture page, mlm lead generation