This describes mlm leads and mlm lead generation using direct mail to generate mlm leads.
Have you ever thought of using direct mail for your mlm network marketing or business opportunity prospecting?
If so and you’re like me, your direct mail prospecting for mlm leads was kinda hit and miss.
There are a number of variables to tweak when it comes to effectively using direct mail. Should you print postcards yourself? Should you write the cards out by hand? What sort of call to action should you use on the cards?
Should you have mlm leads call you directly? Or should you direct them to a website first?
And the biggest question for me was.. Is direct mail marketing for mlm leads even worthwhile?
Direct Marketing News reports that direct mail boasts a 4.4% response rate, compared to email’s average response rate of 0.12%. That’s 4 responses for every 100 mailings. Though it sounds low, it’s still 37 times better than email marketing!
Direct mail is 37 times more responsive than email for mlm leads prospecting?
Wow, apparently it is. I had no idea.
I received a call from my client “Gene” the other day. Gene bought (30) MLM Leads from us a few weeks ago. He took his mlm leads list and made peel-n-stick labels from those leads and stuck them onto 26 post cards that his team had created for him. He placed stamps on the cards then threw them into the mail.
Not long afterwards, Gene started getting mlm leads in his email inbox from that mailing. 7 leads to be exact. 7 people that had reviewed his business presentation then requested that Gene contact them to learn more.
7 mlm leads from a mailing of 26 post cards. That’s pretty good. Actually, it’s REALLY GOOD.
And yes I know that 27 cards mailed and 7 leads generated is a pretty low sample site to draw stats from. I don’t care. The trend itself is still pretty significant. Gene had a 6 times greater response rate compared to the average direct marketing mailing. That’s pretty darn good!
NOTE: Gene had prospects watch a video before they requested information. Though we don’t know how many people watched the movie, it’s fair to say that it was greater than the 7 that requested info. That means Gene’s response rate was even greater than reported by the 7 leads.
Gene and I will be doing a Skype interview next week. He’s says it’s really easy to do what he’s doing. And he says the costs are pretty low. So he’s going to lay it all out for us in that interview.
Stay tuned for that. And in the meanwhile, get your direct mail campaign ready. All you need to prepare is a well crafted post card and mlm leads to mail to.
This described mlm leads and mlm lead generation using direct mail to generate mlm leads.
To your success,
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Enrique Garibay – Helping Entrepreneurs EverywhereTel 785.539.6904 PS. Put your Business on AutoPilot with MyAutoPilot Traffic PPS. Listen-In As Top Pros Call Their Leads PPPS. [VIDEO] How to Get 60% Optin Rate On Your Lead Capture Page |